Frequently Asked Questions
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Why does my USB device no longer work with my StarSCAN after I reformat it?
It is not recommended that you reformat your USB Memory device. If you have reformatted the
device and the StarSCAN no longer recognizes the USB Memory Device, it may have been
formatted to an incorrect format. To remedy this situation, reformat the USB Memory device
using the 'FAT32' option.
Why won’t my TechCONNECT PC recognize my USB device?
Some TechCONNECT PCs are unable to run both StarSCAN USB devices and BlueTOOTH
USB devices at the same time. This problem is very rare and affects only a small number of
TechCONNECT PCs. This problem can be resolved by completing the following steps:
1. Unplugging the BlueTOOTH device from the USB port.
2. Re-boot the TechCONNECT client.
There also have been a few reported issues with AK variants of the Lexar USB memory device
shipped in some of the StarSCAN Update Kits. The problem only affects a small number of
TechCONNECT machines. If you are experiencing problems with the TechCONNECT not
recognizing your Lexar JumpDrive and you are in the U.S. or Canada, contact the
DealerCONNECT Hotline at (800) 374-4040. All others should visit DealerCONNECT at
https://dealerconnect.chrysler.com for Hotline numbers in your locale.
Why am I getting an error when trying to write to my USB memory device?
You may have your memory device locked. To unlock the device, simply move the micro switch
located on the side of your USB memory device to the unlocked position.
What should I do with the Kingston driver CD I received with my USB memory device?
Some StarSCAN Update Kits were inadvertently shipped with the Kingston driver CD. This CD
is not required for use the TechCONNECT and can be discarded.
Why can’t I write to my USB device from the StarSCAN &StarMOBILE Software Update
Depending on the USB Device type and previous use, it is possible that the volume name or
label is blank. Beginning with the StarSCAN StarMOBILE 6.04 CD Release, this information is