Frequently Asked Questions
12/22/06 v1.2 Page 11 of 15
With the May 2006 release of the StarSCAN and StarMOBILE 6.06 CD, the developers at
DaimlerChrysler reached a long-planned development goal of providing flash files solely online.
By reaching this goal, you will now be able to access flash files that maintain the highest levels
of quality, consistency and availability. Additionally, developers will now have the ability to
respond quickly to any changes or issues found in the field and offer sound solutions to all in a
timely manner. This will provide higher quality customer service with faster problem resolution
for our dealers.
How do I download flash files to the StarSCAN from the internet?
The StarSCAN is network capable. To set up your StarSCAN for networking, follow the
StarSCAN Quick Start Networking Guide, available from the ‘download center’ at the
www.dcctools.com or DealerCONNECT websites. This guide will also give you instructions on
how to download a flash file once your StarSCAN is configured for your network.
Why does my StarSCAN keep rebooting?
This may be occurring if the StarSCAN Recovery Card is inserted in the PCMCIA slot. The
StarSCAN displays a black screen with the service logo located near the top of the screen.
Near the bottom of this screen is the text, “Starting….PCMCIA Recovery…attempting load of
‘rec*.bin’…found file REC-102.BIN.” After a period of two minutes, the StarSCAN screen begins
a recovery software installation that begins with the text, “upgrade boot version 1.02.”
Make sure that the StarSCAN is powered down, and remove the Recovery card from the slot.
Next, install the latest StarSCAN software update using your USB device. Your StarSCAN
should now function correctly.
Can I skip versions when I update my StarSCAN?
You can update from any version to the latest software version available. However, it is critical
that dealers keep their StarSCAN tools updated to the latest version available to ensure they
have the latest vehicle support. Dealers can find out what the latest available software version
is by visiting www.dcctools.com and selecting Latest News. This information is also available
through DealerCONNECT.
How can I order the 128 MB USB storage drive and adaptor?
To order a USB device, call Miller Special Tool at (800) 801-5420 and order a StarSCAN
Software Update Device Kit (P/N CH9412). This kit includes both a 128MB USB device and a
USB adapter.