IPv4 Subnet: search for any printer residing on the selected IP v4 subnet
From the drop-down menu, select IPv4Subnet.
The Address In Subnet field and Add Local Subnet button are now displayed.
Enter the IP address one of two ways:
In the Address in Subnet field, enter the IPv4 address enter the IP address, or
In the Address in Subnet field, enter the IPv4 address enter the IP address, or
In the Subnet Mask field, enter the subnet mask.
Once you have selected one of the Specified Search options and entered the information into the
appropriate fields, click to add your search information to the Current Searches list.
If the IP addresses in your new search overlap any existing IP addresses in the Current Searches
list, the application will display the red exclamation point icon indicating that you cannot add the
new IP address.
To fix this error, go to the Current Searches lists, click Delete or Delete All and search again
for the new addresses.
11. After you have selected Default, No Search, or Specified Search, you may click Advanced if
you want to modify any of the Advanced Communication Properties.
a. Click Advanced.
The Advanced Communication Properties dialog box opens.