Pending Registration: The screen will indicate a warning icon, indicating that XSM needs to
approve your registration.
a. Click Try Again to re-attempt registration.
If registration still remains pending, please contact your Dell Support Representative
for more information.
Failed Registration: The screen will indicate an error icon and corresponding message,
asking you to verify that the information you entered matches the provided correct registration
a. Click Try Again to re-attempt registration.
If the second registration attempt fails, verify that you have the correct registration
If the key and URL are correct, but your registration still fails, contact your Dell Support
Representative via
Successful Registration: If the registration is successful, the screen will indicate a green
checkmark icon.
8. Once you have registered successfully, in the Manufacturer Applicability area select whether
you want XDA to search for all printers or only for Xerox printers.
9. If you accept the default selection All Network Printers and All Queue Connected Printers,
click Next, or to configure printer search settings other than the default network settings, click
Advanced. The Search Settings screen opens when you click Advanced.
Note: If you do not click Advanced, the default search will be conducted using your local