Error Messages
Fault Code: 016-534
Login failed.
Incorrect authentication system
[Cause] Kerberos server authentication protocol
The domain set on the machine does not exist on the
Kerberos server, or the Kerberos server address set on
the machine is invalid for connection.
Check whether the domain name and the server
address have been correctly set on the machine. For
connection to Microsoft
Windows Server
2003 or
Windows Server
2008, specify the
domain name in uppercase.
Fault Code: 018-725
Login failed.
Incorrect authentication system
[Cause] User account password is expired.
[Remedy] Renew the password of user account on the
network server.
Fault Code: 018-726
Login failed.
Incorrect authentication system
[Cause] CAC certificate "Chain of Trust" was not
[Remedy] Ensure that the intermediate and root
certificates for the CAC have been uploaded
on the Trusted Certificate Authorities page.
Fault Code: 018-727
Login failed.
Incorrect authentication system
[Cause] CAC certificate is revoked or rejected by the
Kerberos server.
[Remedy] When [Level of Certificate Verification] is
[High], ensure that the OCSP server setting
or CRL setting is correct. Ensure that the
CAC certificate is valid.
Fault Code: 018-728
Login failed.
Incorrect authentication system
[Cause] Proxy Server was not configured.
[Remedy] If the CRL/OCSP is outside the firewall and
access to that server requires a Proxy Server,
verify that the Proxy Server has been
configured properly. On the Dell Printer
Configuration Web Tool, select [Properties]
then [Connectivity], then [Protocols] and
then [Proxy Server].
[Cause] Domain Controller “Chain of Trust” was not
[Remedy] Ensure that the intermediate and root
certificates for the Domain Controller have
been uploaded on the Trusted Certificate
Authorities page. If the Domain Controller is
self signed, ensure that the Domain
Controller certificate is uploaded Trusted
Certificate Authorities page.
[Cause] The Domain Controller Certificate was
revoked or suspended, or has been expired.
[Remedy] Ensure that the Domain Controller
certificate is still valid.
[Cause] Certificate Time Sync Error.
[Remedy] Same as 016-533.
UI Message Cause and Remedy