Data Sheet
All contents are Copyright © 1992–2007 Cisco Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. This document is Cisco Public Information. Page 7 of 13
Feature Benefit
VPN Stateful Failover
Maximizes VPN connection uptime with new Active/Standby stateful failover for VPN
Synchronizes all security association (SA) state information and session key material between
failover pair members, providing a highly resilient VPN solution
Note: this feature is available on Unrestricted (UR), Failover (FO), and Failover-Active/Active
(FO-AA) models only.
Zero-Downtime Software
Enables businesses to perform software maintenance release upgrades on Cisco PIX
Security Appliance failover pairs without impacting network uptime or connections through the
support of state-sharing between mixed Cisco PIX Security Appliance Software versions
(running version 7.0(1) or higher)
Intelligent Networking Services
VLAN-Based Virtual
Provides increased flexibility when defining security policies and eases overall integration into
switched network environments by supporting the creation of logical interfaces based on IEEE
802.1q VLAN tags, and the creation of security policies based on these virtual interfaces
Supports multiple virtual interfaces on a single physical interface through VLAN trunking, with
support for multiple VLAN trunks per Cisco PIX Security Appliance
Supports up to 100 total VLANs on Cisco PIX 525 Security Appliances
QoS Services
Delivers per-flow, policy-based QoS services, with support for LLQ and traffic policing for
prioritizing latency-sensitive network traffic and limiting bandwidth usage of administrator-
specified applications
Enables businesses to have end-to-end QoS policies for their extended network
OSPF Dynamic Routing
Provides comprehensive OSPF dynamic routing services using technology based on world-
renowned Cisco IOS Software
Offers improved network reliability through fast route convergence and secure, efficient route
Delivers a secure routing solution in environments using NAT through tight integration with
Cisco PIX Security Appliance NAT services
Supports MD5-based OSPF authentication, in addition to plaintext OSPF authentication, to
prevent route spoofing and various routing-based DoS attacks
Provides route redistribution between OSPF processes, including OSPF, static, and
connected routes
Supports load balancing across equal-cost multipath routes
PIM Multicast Routing
Streamlines the delivery of multimedia traffic in video-conferencing, collaborative computing,
and mission critical real-time enterprise applications through full PIM-Sparse Mode v2 and
Bidirectional-PIM routing support (based on world-class Cisco IOS multicast technology)
IPv6 Networking
Provides access control and deep inspection firewall services for native IPv6 network
environments and mixed IPv4/IPv6 network environments through dual-stack support
Delivers IPv6-enabled inspection services for HTTP, FTP, SMTP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP-
based applications
Supports SSHv2, telnet, HTTP/HTTPS, and ICMP-based management over IPv6
Dynamic Host Control
Protocol (DHCP) Server
Provides DHCP server services on one or more interfaces, allowing devices to obtain IP
addresses dynamically
Includes extensions for automated provisioning of Cisco IP phones and Cisco SoftPhone IP
telephony solutions
DHCP Relay
Forwards DHCP requests from internal devices to an administrator-specified DHCP server,
enabling centralized distribution, tracking and maintenance of IP addresses
NAT/PAT Support
Provides rich dynamic, static, and policy-based NAT, and PAT services
Flexible Management Solutions
CiscoWorks VPN/Security
Management Solution
Provides a comprehensive management suite for large scale Cisco security product
Integrates policy management, software maintenance and security monitoring in a single
management console
Cisco Adaptive Security
Device Manager (ASDM)
World-class Web-based GUI enables simple, secure remote management of Cisco PIX
Security Appliances
Provides a wide range of informative, real-time, and historical reports which give critical
insight into usage trends, performance baselines, and security events