Data Sheet
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Cisco PIX 525 Security Appliance
The Cisco
525 Security Appliance delivers a wealth of advanced security and
networking services for medium-to-large enterprise networks, in a reliable, purpose-built
appliance. Its modular two-rack unit (2RU) design incorporates two 10/100 Fast Ethernet
interfaces and supports a combination of up to eight additional 10/100 Fast Ethernet
interfaces or three additional Gigabit Ethernet interfaces, making it an ideal choice for
businesses requiring a high performance, Gigabit Ethernet-ready solution that provides
solid investment protection.
Part of the market-leading Cisco PIX Security Appliance Series, the Cisco PIX 525 Security
Appliance provides robust user and application policy enforcement, multi-vector attack protection,
and secure connectivity services through a wide range of rich security and networking services,
Advanced Application-Aware Firewall Services
Market-Leading Voice-Over-IP and Multimedia Security
Robust Site-to-Site and Remote Access IPSec VPN Connectivity
Award-Winning Resiliency
Intelligent Networking Services
Flexible Management Solutions
Figure 1. Cisco PIX 525 Security Appliance
Advanced Firewall Services Deliver Strong Business Protection and Rich
Application Control
Robust Stateful Inspection and Application Layer Security
Cisco PIX Security Appliances integrate a broad range of advanced firewall services to protect
businesses from the constant barrage of threats on the Internet and in many business network
environments. As a secure foundation, Cisco PIX Security Appliances provide rich stateful
inspection firewall services, tracking the state of all network communications and preventing
unauthorized network access. Building upon those services, Cisco PIX Security Appliances deliver
strong application layer security through 30 intelligent, application-aware inspection engines that
examine network flows at Layers 4–7. To defend networks from application layer attacks and to
give businesses more control over applications and protocols used in their environment, these