• Buffalo’s easy connection method and
picture guided setup instruction.
• Broadband router static and dynamic
routing methods between WAN and
LAN based on updated routing tables.
An economical way to bridge multiple
• Optional external antennas for boost-
ing range and signal quality.
• Resistance to environmental condi-
1.3 Home Networking 1
For the future home entertainment
applications that carry hard drives for
storing hundreds of titles, IEEE 802.11g
can transmit three channels of CD-qual-
ity voice, or DVD-quality video to every
room in the home simultaneously.
Buffalo’s AirStation wireless access point
enables sharing broadband at your
ngertips. All you need to do is connect
the AirStation to a DSL or CATV modem
• Share les and printers
• Access and share the Internet
• Share home entertainment system
1.4 SOHO/SMB Networking
With high-speed DSL or CATV connections
readily available, many users can work
effectively from a home ofce, connected
securely to a corporate network. Buffalo’s
solutions are ideal for home networks
that require secure, high-speed access
to the corporate LAN. Tools that play an
integral part in Buffalo’s solutions include
VPN connectivity for secure access to
corporate resources, which enable the
remote employee to handle information
from clients or coworkers as if they were
in the ofce. IEEE 802.11g technology
enables anticipated data intensive ap-
plications such as high security commu-
nication and VoIP. Connect the Buffalo
AirStation Broadband router AP to a CATV
or DSL modem in order to:
• Share broadband access
• Share les and printers
• Bridge between multiple networks and
multiple PC platforms
• Provide easy and secure access to
home or company networks from re-
mote locations
1.5 Buffalo Anywhere Networking
Mobile professionals can be productive
while traveling by accessing standards-
based, secure, high-speed connections in
many hotel, airports, convention centers,
and even coffee shops. The WBR-G54
makes extending your LAN simple, secure,
scalable, and manageable, in part through
solutions like VPN, allowing mobile
professionals to take their ofces on the
road effortlessly. When no wired broad-
band connections are available, wire-
less solutions in public spaces coupled
with VPN can connect mobile workers to
their businesses. Buffalo’s access point
features make a home network system
accessible from anywhere.
Figure 1.4
Figure 1.5