RC4: The encryption algorithm that is
used in WEP.
RJ-45 connector: An 8-pin connector
used between a twisted pair cable and a
data transmission device.
ROM (Read Only Memory): Permanent
Router: Device that can connect individu-
al LANs and remote sites to a server.
Roaming: The ability to use a wireless
device while moving from one access
point to another without losing the con-
Script: A macro or batch le containing
instructions and used by a computer to
perform a task.
Server: Any computer that makes les or
peripheral devices available to users of
the network and has a resident Network
SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol):
The protocol used to dene and deliver
electronic mail (e-mail) from one location
to another.
SNMP (Simple Network Management Pro-
tocol: An application layer protocol that
outlines the formal structure for commu-
nication among network devices.
Static IP Address: A permanent IP ad-
dress is assigned to a node in a TCP/IP
network. Also known as global IP.
STP (Shielded Twisted Pair): Twisted
Pair cable wrapped in a metal sheath to
provide extra protection from external
interfering signals.
Subnet Mask: An eight-byte address di-
vided into 4 parts separated by periods.
TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/
Internet Protocol): Protocol used by
computers when communicating across
the Internet or Intranet.
TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protocol): Sim-
ple form of FTP (File Transfer Protocol),
which Uses UDP (User Datagram Proto-
col), rather than TCP/IP for data transport
and provides no security features.
TKIP (Temporal Key Integrity Protocol):
An encryption method replacing WEP.
TKIP uses random IV and frequent key
Topology: The shape of a LAN (Local
Area Network) or other communications
Twisted Pair: Cable that comprises 2
or more pair of insulated wires twisted
UDP (User Datagram Protocol): A commu-
nication method (protocol) that offers a
limited amount of service when messages
are exchanged between computers in a
network. UDP is used as an alternative
to TCP/IP.
Uplink: Link to the next level up in a
communication hierarchy.
UTP (Unshielded Twisted Pair) cable: Two
or more unshielded wires twisted together
to form a cable.
WAN (Wide Area Network): A networking
system covering a wide geographical area.
WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy): An
encryption method based on 64 or 128bit
Web Browser: A software program that
allows viewing of web pages.
Wi-Fi (Wireless Fidelity): An organization
that tests and assures interoperability
among WLAN devices.
Wire Speed: The maximum speed at
which a given packet can be transferred
using Ethernet and Fast Ethernet standard
WLAN (Wireless LAN): A LAN topology
using wireless devices.
VPN (Virtual Private Network): A security
method to connect remote LAN users to a
corporate LAN system.