BMW Motorrad service
Advanced technology requires
specially adapted methods of
maintenance and repair.
If maintenance and re-
pair work is performed in-
expertly, it could result in con-
sequential damage and thus con-
stitute a safety risk.
BMW Motorrad recommends you
to have all the associated work
on your motorcycle carried out
by a specialist workshop, prefer-
ably an authorised BMW Motor-
rad dealer.
Your authorised BMW Motorrad
dealer can provide information on
BMW services and the work un-
dertaken as part of each service.
Have all maintenance and repair
work carried out confirmed in the
"Service" chapter in this manual.
Authorised BMW Motorrad deal-
ers are supplied with the latest
technical information and have
the necessary technical know-
how. BMW Motorrad recom-
mends that you contact your au-
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer
if you have questions regarding
your motorcycle.
BMW Motorrad service
Along with its reputation for en-
gineering quality and high reliab-
ility, BMW Motorrad is a byword
for excellent quality of service.
To ensure that your BMW is al-
ways in optimum condition, BMW
Motorrad recommends that you
have the maintenance work re-
quired for your motorcycle car-
ried out regularly, preferably by
your authorised BMW Motor-
rad dealer. For generous treat-
ment of claims submitted after
the warranty period has expired,
evidence of regular maintenance
is essential.
Certain signs of wear, moreover,
may otherwise not be noticed
until it is too late to put them
right at moderate cost. Your au-
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer's
mechanics know every detail of
your motorcycle and can take re-
medial action if necessary before
minor faults develop into serious
problems. By having the neces-
sary repairs done properly and
in good time, you save time and
money in the long run.
BMW Motorrad mobility
services - roadside
In the event of a breakdown, the
BMW Motorrad mobility services
available for each new BMW mo-
torcycle enable you to access an
extensive range of services such
as breakdown assistance, motor-
cycle transportation etc. (details
can differ from country to coun-
try). In the event of a breakdown,