contact the Mobile Service or-
ganisation of BMW Motorrad.
The specialists will provide the
necessary advice and assistance.
You will find important country-
specific contact addresses and
the after-sales service organisa-
tion phone numbers in the "Ser-
vice Kontakt / Service Contact"
brochures, along with informa-
tion on Mobile Service and the
dealership network.
BMW Motorrad service
BMW Motorrad has an extens-
ive after-sales service network in
place to look after you and your
motorcycle in more than 100
countries. In Germany alone, you
have the best possible access
to approximately 200 authorised
BMW Motorrad dealers.
All information concerning the in-
ternational dealership network
can be found in the brochure
"Service Contact Europe" or
"Service Contact Africa, Amer-
ica, Asia, Australia, Oceania".
Maintenance work
BMW Pre-delivery Check
Your authorised BMW Motorrad
dealer conducts the BMW pre-
delivery check before handing
over the motorcycle to you.
BMW Running-in Check
The BMW running-in check has
to be performed when the mo-
torcycle has covered between
500 km and 1200 km
BMW Service
The BMW Service is carried out
once a year; the extent of servi-
cing can vary, depending on the
age of the motorcycle and the
distance it has covered. Your au-
thorised BMW Motorrad dealer
confirms that the service work
has been carried out and enters
the date when the next service
will be due.
Riders who cover long distances
in a year might have to bring in
their motorcycles for service be-
fore the next scheduled date. It
is to allow for these cases that
a maximum odometer reading is
entered as well in the confirma-
tion of service. Servicing has to
be brought forward if this odo-
meter reading is reached before
the next scheduled date for the