Dil ID: 7
Dil Adı: french
Dil Kodu: fr1tayfun Produits de la Marque Belling
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

Cutlery with wooden, horn china or
mother -of-pearl handle s
Plast ic items that ar e n ot heat resis tant
Older cutl ery w ith glued parts t hat are not
temperature resistant
Bonded c utler y ite ms or dish es
Pewter or coo per ite ms
Crystal gl ass
Steel items s ubject to rusti ng
Wooden pl atters
Items made from synthetic fibres
So me ty pes of gl as ses c an b ecome
dull aft er a large number of w as hes
Silv er an d a lumi num part s ha ve a
tendency to discolourduring washing
Glazed patterns may fade if machine
washed frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
Dishes and items of cutlery must not lie insideone another, or cover each other.
To av oid da mage to glasse s, th ey m us t not touc h.
Lo ad large items w hic h are most di ffi cu lt to c lea n in to the l owe r bask et.
The u pper bas ket i s de sig ned to ho ld m ore d eli cate and lighter d ishware suc h as glasses , coffee
andtea cups
Lo ng blad ed k nive s stored i n a n uprigh t po sition are a pot en tial hazard !
Lo ng and/or s harp items o f cut le ry such as carv ing kniv es m ust be p ositi one d
h orizon ta lly i n the upp er b asket.
P lease do n ot ove rloa d yo ur di shwashe r. This is i mport ant for g ood resu lts a nd fo r
r easonab le co nsumption o f en ergy.
Load h oll ow i tems suc h as cup s, gl asse s, pans etc. With t he opening faci ng downward s s o that
w a t er c anno t co ll e c t i n the c ont a i n e r or a de ep ba se .
Usea mild detergent that is describedas 'kind to dishes'. If necessary, seek further
information from the detergent manufacturers.
For particular items, select a program with as low a temperature as possible.
Consider buying utensils which are identified as dishwasher-proof.
To pr ev en t da mage, d o n ot take gla ss and c utl ery out of the dis hwas her imm ediat el y
aft er t he p rogr amm e h as e nde d.
(For b est per formance of the di shw asher, follow the se load ing gu ide lines.
Featu res and ap peara nce of baske ts and cut ler y ba skets may vary from your m odel.)
Scrape off any la rg e a mounts o f le ft over fo od. S often remnan ts of b urnt food in pans.
It i s no t necess ary to r inse t he d ishes under runni ng wat er.
Pl ace ob jects i n t he dishwa sher i n followi ng way :
1.Item s su ch a s cups, g la sses, po ts /pans, e tc. a re f aced dow nwa rds.
2.Cu rv ed i tems, or ones wi th r eces ses, sh ould be loade d a slant s o th at w ater can run off.
3.All utens ils a re stacked secur ely and can not tip o ver.
4.All u tens ils are placed in t he way t hat t he spray arms can rotat e fr eely d ur ing w ashin g.
Ve ry sm al l items s hould n ot b e w ashed in the di shwas her as th ey c ould ea sily f all out o f the basket .
To pre ven t wa ter drip ping f rom the uppe r ba sket i nto the lower basket, w e rec om me nd th at you
empty the lower ba sk et first and t hen the upper ba sket.