Section 2: Web GUI Screens and Configuration Parameter Reference
January 2012 Page 35 of 92
Broadcast Network Name (SSID) – Click this checkbox to allow the SSID to be broadcast by the
router. If enabled, your SSID could be obtained allowing unauthorized access to your network.
If you would like others not to see your access point, uncheck the checkbox to hide the SSID.
User Name – Current user name.
Change Password – Click this button and follow the screen instructions to change your
password. Use a password that will not be easy to guess. Passwords are case-sensitive. Valid
characters are the numbers 0 to 9, the letters a through z and A through Z, and printable special
characters (such as $, !, ?, &, #, @, and others.)
Old Password – Enter your existing password.
New Password – Enter your new password.
Repeat New Password – Re-enter your new password.
Tx Power Level – Sets the transmit power level, which is the output power level of the wireless
radio. Can be set to High, Medium, or Low.
Channel – Sets a communications channel for your router. The default setting is “Auto”, in
which the router selects a channel with the least amount of interference to use. If you set a
specific channel, for best performance it’s best to choose channel 1, 6, or 11, since these
channels do not overlap. If another unit is operating in the area, choose a channel that is
farthest away from the channel that unit uses. For example, if one is using channel 11, set yours
to channel 1. If you experience interference or poor performance on a particular channel,
choose a different channel.
Language – Sets the language for the screen display text.
Security Mode – Sets the security mode for your router. Can be set to OPEN (no security) WEP
(Wired Equivalency Privacy), WPA-PSK (Wi-Fi Protected Access – Pre-Shared Key), WPA2-PSK
(Wi-Fi Protected Access 2 – Pre-Shared Key), or WPA/WPA2-PSK. WPA is a stronger security
mode than WEP. WPA2 is a stronger version of WPA. 802.11n performance is only available in
Open or WPA2 with AES encryption.
WPS Settings:
WPS Enable - Click this checkbox to enable WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) on your system. WPS is
a standard method for easily configuring a secure connection between your router and
computers or other wireless devices (known as enrollees) that support WPS. When WPS is
enabled you can attach other wireless devices by pressing the WPS buttons on the device (if