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Indoor Station Setup
The indoor station is responsible to receive the signal from the Indoor Access Point. Standard
devices for this purpose are the PicoStation and, if a more power direction signal are needed,
1. Logon to your chosen primary station device. The IP address to type into your browser is
written on the device’s box. Usually
q. Username: ubnt
r. Password: ubnt
2. Click Wireless tab.
3. Edit the following fields
s. Basic Wireless Settings - section
i.Wireless Mode - Station
ii.SSID - Maximus Indoor
iii.Country Code - Canada
4. click “Change”
5. Click “Network” tab
6. Edit the following fields
t. Network Role - Section
i.Network Role - Bridge
u. Network Settings - Section
i.Bridge IP Address - static
ii.IP Address - Recommended to select and IP in the range
that is unused.
iii.Gateway IP -
iv.Primary DNS IP -
7. Click “Change”
8. Click “Advanced” tab
9. Edit the following fields
v. Advanced Wireless Settings - Section
i.Distance - Set the slider to the distance of the closest access point.
10. Click “Change”
11. Click “System” tab
12. Edit the following fields
w. Device - Section
i.Device Name - MaximusIS49* (* set the number to the last set of digits
assigned in the IP address of step 6, section b, stage ii)
x. Date Settings - Section
i.Timezone - Set to local timezone
13. Click “Change”
14. Click “Apply”