Step 1
Selecting a location
Before you install your washer, make sure the location:
• Has a hard, level surface without carpeting or flooring that may obstruct ventilation and avoid
• Allows at least 4 in (10 cm) between the washer and the wall
• Is away from direct sunlight and not exposed to rain as moisture may destroy the electrical
insulation causing an electrical shock hazard
• Has adequate ventilation
• Is not exposed to temperatures below freezing (below 32 ˚F and 0 ˚C)
• Is away from heat sources such as oil and gas
• Has enough space so that your washer doesn’t stand on its power cable
Step 2
Connecting the water supply hose to the washer
Connect the other end of the water supply hose to the
inlet water valve at the back of the washer. Screw the hose
clockwise all the way in.
If the water tap is a screw type, assemble a water supply hose that
fits onto the tap as shown.
If water leaks from the hose after completing the connection, repeat the same steps again.
Use the most conventional type of faucet for the water supply. If the faucet is square or too
big, remove the spacing ring before inserting the faucet into the adaptor.
setting up your washer