Chapter 4 - RouteFinder Software
Download Firmware
This utility enables you to download the firmware to the RouteFinder. This may be necessary in
the case of repair or upgrade. To download the firmware, choose Download Firmware from the
RouteFinder program group, and the Open dialog box is displayed (if the RouteFinder is running,
you will be queried to reboot to update firmware; click OK to proceed and the Open dialog will be
By default, the software will display the proper firmware from the RouteFinder folder. Double-click
this file in the File Name list.
The Downloading Code dialog box is displayed, which includes a horizontal status bar to monitor
the download process. When the download is complete the RouteFinder will reboot. This process
will take several minutes. After conclusion of the rebooting process, you will be returned to
Configuration Port Setup
The Configuration port setup utility enables you to set up and configure the command port on
your RouteFinder. This dialog is included in the initial installation process. Although parameters
can be changed, be sure to note the current status of the software before making any alterations.
When you installed the RouteFinder software, you selected to configure the port as either an IP
or COM Port. When COM Port is selected, you can assign the proper COM Port and define the
modem Init String, Dial String, and various responses. If IP is selected, you can assign a static IP
address or select one from the drop-down list. For more information on each individual
parameter, refer to the on-line help provided with the software.
WAN Device Configuration
If you have an external WAN device connected to one or more WAN ports of the RouteFinder,
this application will open the RouteFinder Print Console, a terminal emulation program that will
enable configuration of the external device(s).
Remote User Data Base
This feature enables you to establish and maintain a database of information about your remote
users. You can add and remove remote users, or edit existing user information in the database.
Choose Remote User Data Base from the RouteFinder program group, and the Users List
dialog box will appear. From this dialog box you can choose Add, Edit or Delete. When you have
completed all the necessary changes, click Download to save the new information to the
RouteFinder. Refer to your on-line help for a more detailed description of database parameters.
Selecting Uninstall will enable you to completely remove all the components of the RouteFinder
program group. Upon selecting this option you will be queried for confirmation. Click Yes to
continue with the uninstall, or click No to abort.
Note: You will not be able to use the RouteFinder without RouteFinder Configuration. If you
remove the components, you will need to reinstall the software. Refer to your
RouteFinder Quick
Start Guide
for installation instructions.