RouteFinder MTASR3 User Guide
This chapter describes the RouteFinder’s software from an applications standpoint, showing how to
make changes in the configuration with recommendations on the impact of any such changes. The
major configuration parameters were set when the software was loaded into your PC and the setup
configuration was downloaded to the RouteFinder at the conclusion of the software installation. The
RouteFinder software is designed for the Microsoft ® Windows ® environment.
Recommendations are provided to explain that changing parameters may affect your unit in a certain
way. Our intent is not to cover every dialog box and every option because the Router Setup Help
system provides that information. The Help menus define each button, option, field, and provide
recommend values where applicable. This constitutes a dynamic help system in that the information
presented always relates to the dialog box or window that is currently open.
Before You Begin
Your RouteFinder program group contains several utility programs that provide the maximum
flexibility for configuration and use. These utilities are accessible in Windows by clicking Start |
Programs | RouteFinder | (
). The various options include in Windows 95, click Start |
Programs | RouteFinder | Router Configuration. You can also start the Router Configuration
from My Computer by selecting the following folders, in turn (Windows\Start
Menu\Programs\RouteFinder), and finally double-clicking on the Router Configuration icon.
Router Configuration will be discussed in detail later in this chapter. A brief description of each of
the other components is provided here:
Download Default Setup
This feature enables you to download the default settings, configured during installation, to the
RouteFinder. If you are installing for the first time, you will download this setup at the end of the
installation before operating the RouteFinder. If you have made changes to the RouteFinder
Configuration and now want to revert to the default setup, you can do so through the RouteFinder
program group.
Choose Download Default Setup to download the factory default settings. If the RouteFinder is
running, you will be queried to reboot. Click Yes to continue with the download. You will then be
presented with three dialog boxes including Novell IPX Protocol Default Setup, IP Protocol
Default Setup, and WAN Ports Default Setup. These screens will contain the original setup
information. Click OK on each to accept the default settings, or make any necessary changes
and then click OK. When prompted, click OK again to proceed with the download. The default
setup will be written to the RouteFinder. This process may take a few minutes. When it is
finished, you will be returned to Windows.