Leica IP C
Malfunction / failure
• Instrumentnotfunctioning.
• Nodisplayindication.
• Instrumentnotworkingatnormalspeed.
Printing a cassette takes approx. 8 sec.,
even after the warm-up phase has been
• Checkwhetherthereisageneralpowerfailure(nopower).
• Checkwhetherthepowerplugisinsertedcorrectlyintothewalloutlet
and whether the wall outlet is switched on, if applicable.
• Checkwhetherthepowerswitchisswitchedoncorrectly.Theprimary
fuse may have tripped. If so, the main switch will be in "0" = OFF position
(Fig. 67).
• Checkwhetheroneofthetwosecondaryfusesisdefective(F1, F2 on
the back panel of instrument, Fig. 68, see also Fig. 69).
Some instrument malfunctions / failures are caused by defective fuses.
Fuse F1
Fuse F2
7.5 Power failure
Fuse to be checked
7.4 Changing the flash bulb
Code "13" appears on the printer display when the flash bulb has reached
its maximum service life.
When code 13 is issued, the bulb has to be changed.
For details on how to insert / replace the flash bulb, please refer to chapter 4.6.
10 s
Fig. 68
Fig. 67
7. Troubleshooting
If a defective flash bulb has been replaced without the message
"13" appearing on the display, likewise confirm this using the above
procedure (hold down the ERROR key for at least 10 sec.).
Before replacing the flash bulb, switch off the printer and unplug
the instrument from power supply.
After changing the bulb, switch the printer back on.
Then go to offline mode and hold down the ERROR key for 10 seconds; code
"13" disappears from the display.