45124132© 2014 Electronics For Imaging
13 March 2014
Customer Release Notes
Fiery CS IC-310 v1.0/Fiery CS IC-308 v1.1
This document contains important information about this release. Be sure to provide this
information to all users before proceeding with the installation.
NOTE: This document uses the term “Fiery Color Server” to refer to the Fiery
CS IC-310/
CS IC-308.
Viewing imported jobs in landscape orientation
If you import a job that is set in landscape orientation in Command WorkStation and preview
the job in either Sheet View (Fiery Impose/Compose) or Gang-up Preview (Job Properties),
the images always display in portrait orientation.
Jobs with composite overprint and transparent objects
When composite overprint and APPE is enabled, if a job includes transparent objects,
composite overprint may not appear. Click Expert Settings in the Color tab and set “Separate
RGB/LAB to CMYK source” to ON.
Flattening error for an imposed print job
In Command WorkStation, when you import and impose an archived job, sometimes
flattening errors occur when you save the job as a PDF file. Use server-side imposition by
saving the imposition job as a .dbp file.
After RIPping a job, black colored objects display gray dotted lines
When you import a RIPped job to the Held Queue and open it in ImageViewer,
magnification levels 200% to 400% of the job reveal gray dotted lines displaying over some of
the black-colored objects. Disable the Composite overprint option in Job Properties, and set
the Black overprint option to Off in Job Properties, and then click Color > Expert Settings >
Gray and Black Processing.
Incorrect page order with Booklet-Perfect Left Binding
If you set the layout setting of a job with landscape orientation to Booklet-Perfect Left
Binding and print, the page order outputs incorrectly. When you set the original document to
landscape orientation, set “Face down - reverse order” as the layout setting.
In Job Properties, Gang-up Preview always displays image in Portrait
When you preview a job that contains a Microsoft Word document that is previously set to
Landscape orientation, Job Properties displays the document in Portrait orientation.