Job processing cases
Print jobs that are processing, printing, or spooling does not affect the power state of the Fiery
Color Server. However, if the printer is turned off when print jobs are processed, the print
jobs are canceled.
Scan Scan 1,000 pages to HDD, incorrect job size is displayed in Fiery
Remote Scan and cannot save job file correctly
Reduce the job file size to under 2 GB for a single scan job. The Fiery Color Server has a 2 GB
maximum file size limit for scan jobs.
Job mismatch with scan jobs
If you perform a scan job from the printer and then try to scan the same job in Fiery Remote
Scan, job mismatch occurs. Change the Media Size setting from “Custom” to either
“Automatic” or the required paper size as specified under “Crop Box” when inserting a
scanned image.
Remote Scan TWAIN plug-in
The Remote Scan TWAIN plug-in module is supported on 32-bit systems only.
Scanning from the printer touch panel
When “Enable Scan” is set to ON and FTP, SMB, and E-mail is set to OFF from the printer
touch panel, if you scan a job from the printer, the following occurs:
• Scan to FTP fails
•Scan to SMB fails
• Scan to E-mail fails
• Scan to HDD succeeds
The failed scans appear successful in the Job Log even though they actually failed.
Untranslated UI
JDF settings are translated
For the Fiery CS IC-308 Japanese version only: The values of some JDF settings (for example,
in various drop-down lists) are not translated and appear in English.
Untranslated error messages
For the Fiery CS IC-308 Japanese version only: If you enter text in the Instruction field (see
Job Properties > Job Info tab) and then, on the Summary tab, click Print Summary and print,
and error message is displayed, but is not translated and appear in English.