PI-Tray1 and PI-Tray2 paper trays
PI-Tray1 and PI-Tray2 do not display in the “Paper tray” list when the output tray “Auto” is
chosen. As a workaround, select an output tray before selecting a PI-tray.
Start Sample Print button
When the printer shut downs, the Start Sample Print button in Command WorkStation may
not work and is disabled even once the printer is on again. You must close and reopen
Command WorkStation to enable and use the Start Sample Print button again.
Open and close Job Properties
When printing a lot of jobs and canceling those jobs from Command WorkStation, if you
open and close Job Properties from Command WorkStation, Command WorkStation freezes.
Force Print
If you enter a name in the User Color Name field (see Job Properties > Media tab) and print
the job and cause a mismatch, and then try to Force Print from the printer touch panel, the
job fails to print.
User Color
“User color” is not available in Mixed media and Booklet maker. You can specify the paper
that includes User Color when using Paper Catalog.
Connecting another finisher to the printer
When you connect a finisher to the printer and select the finisher for Sample Print (see
Configure > Server > Jobs > Sample Print > Output Tray), and then remove the finisher and
replace it with another type of finisher, the new finisher does not appear in the Output Tray
drop down list.
Change Output Tray to “Unassigned” (or another valid tray) before removing the finisher.
PDF jobs with annotations
Due to an Adobe bug, PDF jobs with annotations processed via PS may fail to process and an
error message is displayed.
ES-2000 Disconnecting and reconnecting the spectrophotometer
When the Calibrator window is open in Command WorkStation and you physically
disconnect and reconnect the spectrophotometer (for example the ES-1000 or ES-2000) two
or more times, Command WorkStation freezes.