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This Use & Care Manual provides specific operating
instructions for your model. Use the refrigerator only as
instructed in this Use & Care Manual. Before starting the
refrigerator, follow these important first steps.
• Choose a place that is near a grounded electrical outlet.
Do Not use an extension cord or an adapter plug.
• If possible, place the refrigerator out of direct sunlight
and away from the range, dishwasher or other heat
• The refrigerator must be installed on a floor that is level
and strong enough to support a fully loaded refrigerator.
® Consider water supply availability for models equipped
with an automatic ice maker.
Do Not install the .refrigerator where ■'
. . the.temperatyrewill.drop.below55°F
|1.3.°C) .ior:.rise a.b.o¥.e.i.10°F. .(43°C). At .lhe.se
temperature .extr.e.rnes, the compressor will not. be
able to '.maintain, proper temp.eratures ..inside.the
refrigerator,.!.. ■. /...
Do Not b.iock.the toe.grilleon.the lower.;
front of your refrigerator. Sufficient air circulation '
'.is.-essential-for'the. proper ■ operation :'of your..
refrigerator. ■ : ■
Installation Clearances
• Allow the following clearances for ease of installation,
proper air circulation, and plumbing and electrical
Sides & Top
■NO.TE:'lf.you see.bl.ack.coil.s/tubing.on th.e back of your,
.'.refrigerator'.(ai.r-cooled.condenser) le.ave 3” clearance.',
at.top of.refrigerator. . ' ! .■ '..
;NOTE: If y.our refrigerator is placed .w.ith the d.oor hinge
■■'Side.against a wall,''you.',rnay;have.to'.allovradditional
'space-so-the door-can be opened wider.".' ■'.''■■ ■"
All four corners of your refrigerator must rest firmly on a
solid floor. Your refrigerator is equipped with adjustable front
rollers to help level your unit.
To Level Your Refrigerator:
1. Remove toe grille.
Your refrigerator should be positioned to allow easy access
to a counter when removing food. To make this possible,
the direction in which the doors open can be reversed. See
Door Removal & Reversal Instructions on page 8.
2. Use flat-blade screwdriver or 3/8” socket wrench
to adjust front rollers.
NOTE: :Raise the.front of .the .refrigerator enough .so the. ■
should slope'14”'to'IT”'from front-to-back. Then 'level
'.'.the..refrige.rator .from side'.to.side.:.'■.................■:.