TroubleshootingChapter —4
42 PK80 Series 80-Column User’s Manual
The printer has a 25-pin connector with the following pinout designations
and signal mnemonics:
Printer Communications Connector Pin-Outs
DB25 Signal Name Type I/O Description
20 NC ——— ——— NoConnection
4 CTS (Clear To Send) RS-232 IN Wake up
2 RXD (Rec eive Data) RS-232 IN Printer’s RxD
3 TXD (Transmit Data) RS-232 OUT Printer’s TxD
5 RTS (Ready To S end) RS-232 OUT Printer’s RTS
9 HHC_Charge Power OUT 11–15 V, up to 1 A per contact
7 GND Power OUT SG (Signal Ground)