Redundant Configuration Issues 9
Table 1 depicts the contributing values used for the various network
connectivity components monitored by the Server Load Balancer and
Server Load Balancer Plus:
In the example message log line shown under Virtual Router Redundancy
Protocol Priority Generation on page 8, the priority value derived is
defined as follows:
Preventing VRID
The VRRP protocol requires a unique identifier be used for each
redundant device configuration. The Server Load Balancer and Server
Load Balancer Plus defaults the VRID field to the values of 1 and 2.
Ta b l e 1 Contributing Values of Monitored Components
Source Meaning Contribution
Client Role Port One or more ports with
client access role in the
forwarding state
10 points
Server Role Port One or more ports with
server access role in the
forwarding state
10 points
Default Router The default router is
determined to be
reachable via a ping check
15 points
Server Assignment The server associated to a
service assignment is
determined to be
reachable via a Balance
Specification health check
1 point per server
Note: A server may be
assigned to more than one
service and will contribute
1 point per assignment
Active Redundancy
The Server Load Balancer
has been designated as the
primary device in the
redundant configuration.
5 points
Client Role Ports Reachable 10
Server Role Ports Reachable 10
Default Router Reachable 15
Active Designation 5
Original priority: 40
Server Assignment 1
Revised priority: 41