1-year, 6 hour Call-To-Repair Onsite for hardware (U8L59E)
1-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates (U8L60E)
1-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware, 24x7 software phone support and software
updates (U8L61E)
1-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day Hardware Exchange
1-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour hardware exchange (U8L56E)
3-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day Hardware Exchange
3-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware Exchange (U8L64E)
4-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day Hardware Exchange
4-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware Exchange (U8L74E)
5-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day Hardware Exchange
5-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware Exchange (U8L84E)
Refer to the HP website at: www.hp.com/networking/services for details on the service-level
descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please
contact your local HP sales office.
RFC 1163 Border Gateway Protocol (BGP)
RFC 1267 Border Gateway Protocol 3 (BGP-3)
RFC 1657 Definitions of Managed Objects for BGPv4
RFC 1771 BGPv4
RFC 1772 Application of the BGP
RFC 1773 Experience with the BGP-4 Protocol
RFC 1774 BGP-4 Protocol Analysis
RFC 1997 BGP Communities Attribute
RFC 1998 An Application of the BGP Community Attribute in Multi-home
RFC 2385 BGP Session Protection via TCP MD5
RFC 2439 BGP Route Flap Damping
IIEEE 802.1: LAN/MAN Bridge and Management
IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridges
IEEE 802.1p Priority
IEEE 802.1s (MSTP)
IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Trees
IEEE 802.1w Rapid Reconfiguration of Spanning Tree
IEEE 802.1X: Authenticated VLAN (multiple MAC, multiple VLANs per port)
IEEE 802.2: Logical Link Control
IEEE 802.3: Carrier Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
(CSMA/CD) access method and physical layer specifications
IEEE 802.3ad Link Aggregation (LAG)
RFC 783 TFTP Protocol (revision 2)
RFC 791 IP