3-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware (U0YE4E)
3-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware, 24x7 SW phone support and SW
updates (U0YF3E)
3-year, 24x7 SW phone support, software updates (U0YF2E)
4-year, 4-hour onsite, 13x5 coverage for hardware (U0YF9E) 3-year, 24x7 SW phone support,
software updates (U8L71E)
4-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware, 24x7 software phone (U0YH0E)
4-year, 24x7 SW phone support, software updates (U0YG9E)
5-year, 4-hour onsite, 13x5 coverage for hardware (U0YH6E)
5-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware (U0YH8E)
5-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware, 24x7 software phone (U0YJ7E)
5-year, 24x7 SW phone support, software updates (U0YJ6E)
3 Yr 6 hr Call-to-Repair Onsite (U0YE8E)
4 Yr 6 hr Call-to-Repair Onsite (U0YG5E
5 Yr 6 hr Call-to-Repair Onsite (U0YJ2E)
1-year, 4-hour onsite, 13x5 coverage for hardware (U0YD4E)
1-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware (U0YD5E)
1-year, 6 hour Call-To-Repair Onsite for hardware (U0YD6E)
1-year, 4-hour onsite, 24x7 coverage for hardware, 24x7 software phone support
and software updates (U0YD7E)
1-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day
Hardware Exchange (U0YD2E)
1-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour hardware
exchange (U0YD3E)
3-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day
Hardware Exchange (U0YD8E)
3-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware
Exchange (U0YD9E)
4-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day
Hardware Exchange (U0YF5E)
4-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware
Exchange (U0YF6E)
5-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + Next Business Day
Hardware Exchange (U0YH2E)
5-year, 24x7 software phone support, software updates + 4 hour Hardware
Exchange (U0YH3E)
Refer to the HP website at www.hp.com/networking/services for details on the service-level
descriptions and product numbers. For details about services and response times in your area, please
contact your local HP sales office.