Feature Description
Encryption WEP/WPA WEP64 (40 Bit key), WEP128 (104 Bit key), WPA Personal, WPA Enterprise, WPA2 Personal,
WPA2 Enterprise
Inter Cell Repeating Inter traffic blocking for public hot spot (PHS) applications for preventing of communication
radio client to radio client in a single radio cell.
IEEE802.11i Authentisierung und
802.1x/EAP-MD5, 802.1x/EAP-TLS, 802.1x/EAP-TTLS, 802.1x/EAP-PEAP, key management,
PSK/TKIP encryption, AES encryption, 802.1x/EAP
Access Control List (ACL) MAC address filter for WLAN clients
VLAN Network segmentation on layer 2 possible, one VLAN ID per SSID. Static VLAN configuration
according to IEEE 802.1q; supports up to 32 VLANs.
NAT/PAT Symmetric Network and Port Address Translation (NAT/PAT) with randomly generated ports
inclusive Multi NAT (1:1 translation of whole networks)
Policy based NAT/PAT Network and Port Address Translation via different criteria like IP protocols, source/destination
IP Address, source/destination port
Policy based NAT/PAT For incoming and outgoing connections and for each interface variable configurable
Content Filtering Optional ISS/Cobion Content filter (30 day test license inclusive)
Stateful Inspection Firewall Packet filtering depending on the direction with controling and interpretation of each single
connection status
Packet Filter Filtering of IP packets according to different criteria like IP protocols, source/destination IP
address, source/destination port, TOS/DSCP, layer 2 priority for each interface variable
Feature Description
Policy based Routing Extended routing (Policy Based Routing) depending of diffent criteria like IP protocols
(Layer4), source/destination IP address, source/destination port, TOS/DSCP,
source/destination interface and destination interface status
Multicast IGMP Support of Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP v1, v2, v3) for the simultaneous
distribution of IP packets to several stations
Multicast IGMP Proxy For easy forwarding of multicast packets via dedicated interfaces
Multicast inside IPSec tunnel Enables the transmission of multicast packets via an IPSec tunnel
RIP Support of RIPv1 and RIPv2, separated configurable for each interface
Extended RIP Triggerd RIP updates according RFC 2091 and 2453, Poisened Rerverse for a better
distribution of the routes; furthermore the possibility to define RIP filters for each interface.
Routing throughput (1518) 199 Mbps with 1518 Byte packets
Routing throughput (256) 198 Mbps with 256 Byte packets
Funkwerk Enterprise Communications GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - (0)911 9673 0
Fax: +49 - (0)911 688 0725
bintec RS232bw
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