Fallon | Minneapolis
Bleed: 18.25" x 11.25" (Spread)
Trim: 18" x 11" (Spread)
Live: NA
Gutter: .25" either side (.50" total)
Media: 4C Bleed Booklet
Fonts: Bell Gothic Black Italic, Bell Gothic Bold
Italic, Bell Gothic Bold, Bell Gothic Italic,
Electra LH Cursive Display, Univers 55
Roman, Univers 65 Bold
Ink Colors: CMYK
Creative Director: Bruce Bildsten
Art Director: Jak Horner/Andrew Voss
Production Artist:
Jackie Lipetzky
Project Manager: Molly Krebs
Art Buyer: Jason Hall
Print Producer: Kirsten O’Callaghan
Account Executive: Ellie Applen
Account Supervisor: Denis Budniewski
Publications: Issue: Close: Ext:
GM Vehicle Catalogs
Client: Cadillac
Job Number:
File Name: CACDL3MU308_2014_Catalog_ATS
Description: 2014 ATS Catalog
Date/Time: 05/28/13
Fallon | Minneapolis
Bleed: 18.25" x 11.25" (Spread)
Trim: 18" x 11" (Spread)
Live: NA
Gutter: .25" either side (.50" total)
Media: 4C Bleed Booklet
Fonts: Bell Gothic Black Italic, Bell Gothic Bold
Italic, Bell Gothic Bold, Bell Gothic Italic,
Electra LH Cursive Display, Univers 55
Roman, Univers 65 Bold
Ink Colors: CMYK
Creative Director: Bruce Bildsten
Art Director: Jak Horner/Andrew Voss
Production Artist:
Jackie Lipetzky
Project Manager: Molly Krebs
Art Buyer: Jason Hall
Print Producer: Kirsten O’Callaghan
Account Executive: Ellie Applen
Account Supervisor: Denis Budniewski
Publications: Issue: Close: Ext:
GM Vehicle Catalogs
Client: Cadillac
Job Number:
File Name: CACDL3MU308_2014_Catalog_ATS
Description: 2014 ATS Catalog
Date/Time: 05/28/13
The most difficult roads are the ones that lead to
greatness. While engineering and perfecting the
ATS, we went to the toughest, most demanding
automotive track on the planet: Germany’s
legendary Nürburgring. It’s the yardstick by which
performance cars are measured. Over its 70-
plus turns in 12.9 miles, it is hungry to consume
the entire engine, use all of the brakes and chew
through the tires. It stresses every component to its
limit, sometimes beyond, and deservedly earns the
nickname “Green Hell.” By enduring this grueling
punishment, every aspect of the agile ATS was
tuned and retuned to push the performance envelope
as close to perfection as possible. We set out to
challenge the status quo. What we accomplished
is a world-class luxury sport sedan with tenacious
handling and performance.