Owner’s Guide & Installation Instructions
31 / English
Operating Instructions
• Heavystainsshouldbepretreatedwithsoapywaterappropriately
before washing (Do not rub or scratch the stained area). If in doubt,
check with a pharmacist or dry-cleaner.
• Useonlydyes/discoloringandanti-scalingagentssuitablefor
machine wash. Make sure to follow the instructions on the package.
Loading the washer
Maximum load capacity depends on the fabric type of laundry, soiling
amount of laundry and program cycle you wish to use.
• Do not exceed the maximum load capacity of the selected
program cycle. Washing results are adversely affected by an
overloaded drum. Overloading may also cause wrinkling and
abrasion on clothes.
Make sure power button is off before loading the machine. To load
the machine,
• Pullthedoorhandle.
• Placelaundryitemslooselyinthedrum.
• Mixsmallandlargeitemsforanevenloaddistribution.Largeitems
should be loaded first. Large items should not be more than half of
the total wash load.
• Ifyouputawashbagornetwhichisfilledwithsmallitemsinthe
drum, put an additional wash bag to prevent load unbalance. Both
wash bags should have the same amount of items to provide an
even load distribution.
• Beforewashingasingleorafewitemssuchasapillow,ateddy
bear, a single or a pair of shirts, sweat shirts etc, put some
additional items in the drum for better load distribution and spinning.
• Makesurethatthereisnoclothingobstructingthedoororcaught
between the door and rubber seal.
• Pushtheloadingdoorfirmlyandmakesurethatthedoorhasbeen
closed properly (especially if you load the machine with full load or
big items).