30 / English
Front-Loading Automatic Washer-Dryer
Operating Instructions
Sort the laundry according to the following fabric types, color groups
and wash them separately:
or “hand washable”
• Do not wash dark colors with light colors and whites. Color items
may bleed and white and light colored items may be discolored.
Avoid extended contact of damp clothes before or after washing
to prevent dye transfer.
• Wash heavily and lightly soiled items separately.
• Lint producers (towels, linen etc) and lint collectors (easy care,
permanent press) should be washed separately. Lint producers
should be washed inside-out.
Preparing the laundry
• Itemsoflaundrywithmetalparts(e.g.underwirebras,beltbuckles,
metal buttons) will damage the drum. Remove metal parts of place
the items in a cloth bag, pillow case, or something similar.
• Removeanynon-washableitemsandaccessoriesfromlaundry
before washing.
• Emptypockets,removeallforeignobjects(e.g.coins,pens,paper
clips). If possible: Turn pockets inside out and brush.
• Placesmallitemsoflaundry(e.g.tights)inaclothbag,pillowcase
or something similar. This can also help you to avoid searching for
lost socks.
• Handlecurtainsspecialcare.Removenon-stainlesscurtainrunners
pillow case or something similar.