Swimming Pool Equipment, Spas, Fountains and Hydromassage Bathtubs Marking and Application Guide
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device rated less than the maximum rating of the branch-circuit overcurrent device permitted
by the NEC® is marked to indicate the maximum rating of the branch-circuit overcurrent
device for which the unit has been investigated and found acceptable.
Factory Configuration Information. Each hydromassage bathtub is provided with a
marking on the wiring diagram, in the installation instructions or on a separate configuration
sheet, to identify the factory-installed components of the unit. These components include
pumps, controls, heaters, luminaires, and supply cords. The configuration marking and the
installation instructions are intended to be available during installation and inspection.
Ground-Fault Protection. Whether they are permanently wired or use a cord and plug,
these units are intended to be protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter. Each unit is
plainly marked with the following or equivalent statement: ―Connect only to a circuit
protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFCI).‖
Multiple Supply Sources. A hydromassage bathtub may have provision for a maximum of
two supply sources. If the unit is cord-connected, each single source must be an individual
branch circuit rated not more than 20 amperes. Units requiring more than one disconnect
switch to disconnect all power are provided with a marking warning to this effect.
Options. Hydromassage bathtubs may have option kits indicated in the installation
instructions. These typically include blowers, heaters or luminaire assemblies.
Hydromassage bathtubs intended for heaters to be installed after the bathtub leaves the
factory are factory configured with a fitting to be removed and replaced by the heater.
These units are marked ―Suitable for Field-Installed Heater Accessory‖ and ―Use only
Accessory Heaters Marked for Use With This Bathtub.‖ Bathtubs not factory-configured for
a field-installed heater are marked ―Not Suitable for Field-Installed Heater.‖
This section covers fountains with UL Listed equipment assembled and connected in the
field. Electrical products for use in fountains are Listed under the following categories:
―Pumps, Motor-Operated Water‖ (REUZ), ―Plumbing Accessories‖ (QMTX) and
―Submersible Luminaires (Fixtures)‖ (IFEV), ―Pumps‖ (WCSX) and ―Industrial Control
Panels‖ (NITW) (identified as fountain control panels).
General. Products Listed in this category include submersible luminaires and submersible
junction boxes. Submersible luminaires for use in fountains are not suitable for use in
vessels intended for partial or complete immersions of persons.
Listing Mark. UL Listed submersible luminaires and junction boxes for use in fountains
have a Listing Mark with the product names:
―Mounting Bracket for No-Niche Luminaire (Fixture),‖
―Housing for Wet-Niche Luminaire (Fixture),‖
―Submersible Luminaire (Fixture) Wet-Niche Type,‖