Swimming Pool Equipment, Spas, Fountains and Hydromassage Bathtubs Marking and Application Guide
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Swimming Pool Equipment, Spas,
Fountains and Hydromassage Bathtubs
Marking and Application Guide
Convertible spas have protection provided in the 120-volt configuration. They are also
protected in the 240-volt configuration, unless marked ―Connect To A Circuit Protected By A
GFCI When Connected In the 240-volt Mode,‖ or equivalent. Permanently connected spas
may or may not have integral GFCI protection. If not, the installation instructions indicate the
unit should be connected to a circuit protected by a GFCI. If integral GFCI protection is
provided, it protects both 120-volt and 240-volt circuits.
Spa Caution Marking. To help reduce the risk of electric shock from other electrical
appliances used near the spa, each unit is marked ―WARNING‖ — Risk of Electrical Shock.
Do not permit any electrical appliance (such as a light, telephone, radio, or television) within
5 feet of this spa.‖
This section includes UL Listed indoor hydromassage bathtubs (whirlpool bathtubs) for
residential or commercial use. They are intended for permanent connection to the building
plumbing. The hydromassage bathtub consists of a drainable tub and a water or air pump,
and may include other equipment such as a luminaire, control, air blower, heater or suction
fittings. These units are intended to be drained after each use. These units are not intended
to be field assemblies of Listed parts. Although they may include a Listed swimming pool or
spa pump, the entire unit — consisting of shell, pump and any other related electrical
components — is evaluated and Listed as a complete appliance. The pump is not intended
to be installed away from the tub.
These Listings appear in the Electrical Appliance and Utilization Equipment Directory
(Orange Book and online at www.ul.com/database). The Listing Mark for this category
contains the product name ―Hydromassage Bathtub.‖ The Listing mark for heaters intended
to be installed after the bathtub leaves the factory contains the product name
―Hydromassage Bathtub Accessory‖.
UL Listed hydromassage bathtubs may also be Classified to either the water retention
requirements or all requirements of ASME/ANSI A112.19.7M - +. The combined Listing
Mark/Classification marking consists of the Listing Mark described at the beginning of this
section and the following marking: ―Also Classified by Underwriters Laboratories in
accordance with ―*,‖ where ―*‖ is one of the statements detailed below:
1. ―ANSI A112.19M - +‖
2. ―Water Retention Test requirement from ANSI A112.19.7M - +‖
+ issue date of Standard or latest addendum.
Supply Connection. Most units are intended for permanent connection to the branch
circuit. Bathtubs may be provided with a factory- installed maximum three-foot length of
jacketed flexible cord terminating in an attachment plug.
Branch-Circuit Protection. A unit intended to be protected by a branch-circuit overcurrent