1.5 The HMI device in the operating process
Comfort Panels
22 Operating Instructions, 03/2012, A5E03404994-02
1.5 The HMI device in the operating process
The HMI device is part of the operating process. The following two phases are key to the
way the HMI device is integrated in the process:
● Configuration
● Process management
During the configuration phase, you create the user interfaces for operation and monitoring
of the technical process to a configuring PC with WinCC as of version 11. Configuration also
● Creating project data
● Saving project data
● Testing project data
● Simulating project data
After compiling the configuration, you load the project into the HMI device.
Process management
Process management is marked by two-way communication between HMI device and PLC.
You then use the HMI device to operate and monitor the process.