Dil ID: 9
Dil Adı: germany
Dil Kodu: de1tayfun Produkte der Marke SPT
Dünyanın En Büyük
Elektronik Bilgi Kütüphanesi

C utler ywi th w ood en, horn china or
m ot her-o f-p earl h andles
P lastici tems t ha t ar e not
Older c u tl ery w ith glued p arts tha t isnot
te mperature resist ant
Bond ed c utl eryite ms or di shes
Pewteror cooperitems
c rys ta l gla ss
S tee l i tems subj e ct t o r ust ing
Wood en p latters
It ems made f rom s ynt het ic fibres
heat resistant
Some typesofglassescanbecome
dullafteralargenumber ofwashes
Silverandaluminium partshavea
te nd e ncy to di scol our d ur ing was hing
G laz e d p a ttern s m ay fade i fm achin e
w ashe d frequent ly
Are not suitable
Are of limited suitability
U sea mil ddet erg ent th at is de scribed as'k ind ofdi shes'.If necessa ry, s eek f ur ther
i nfo r ma t io n fro m det er gent manu f act urers.
For p art icular items, s elec t ap rogramme w itha sl ow a te mp erat ure.
Topreven tda ma ge,d ono ttake gla ssa ndc utle ry o utof the dish washer i mm ediately
aftertheprogrammeh as ended.
Consi de r bu yi ng uten s ils w h i ch are ident i f ie d as dis hwash er- p r oof .
Dishesanditemsofcutlerymustnotlie insideoneanother, orcover eachother.
To av oidda mage to gl asse s,th eym us t not t ouch.
Lo ng blad edknive s sto red i nan uprigh tposit ion are ap otent ial haza rd!
Lo ng and/ ors harp items o f cut lery such as carv ing knives must bep ositi one d
horizonta llyin the basket.
P lease do n ot ove rload yo urdishw asher. T his is import an tforg oo dresult sand f or
r easonab leene rg y con sum e.
Load h oll owit ems suc has cup s,gl asses, p ans etc. W ith the opening downw ards sot ha t
w a t er c ann o t c o ll ect in t he c onta ine r or a dee p ba se.
(For be st perfor mance o f the di shwasher,follow the seload ing gu ide li nes.
Feat ures a nd ap peara nce o f bas kets and cu tle ry ba ske ts m ay var y from your m od el. )
Scra peoff any large amo unt s o fleftover fo od.Sof ten r emnants of b urnt f oo d in pans
It is not necessar ytori nse the d ishes u nde r runni ng water.
Pl ace ob ject s in t he dish was her i n fol l owing w ay:
1.Item s such as cups, gl asses, pots /pans, etc. a re f ace down.
2.Cu rve ditems, or t hose w ith recesse s,shou ld be loaded at a sl ant s othat w at er c anrun off.
3.Allutensilsare stackedsecurelyand cannot tipover.
4.Al lutensils ar eplaced in the way that th e spray ar mscan r ot ated free lyduri ngwashing .
Ve rysm al l it em ssho ul dnot b ewashe din the dish washer as they could eas ily f all out o f the basket.