Th er i nse aid is r elea se dd u ring the final rin se to pr event wat er f rom f orming droplet s o ny o ur dis he s.Tha t can l eave
spots ands treaks. It also improve sd ryi ngby allow ing water t o sheet off t he dish es.Yo ur di shw asher isdes ign ed to
usel iquid r ins ea ids.The rin se a iddi spense rislocated inside t hedo or next to the detergent di spens er. To fill th e
dispenser,open thecapand pourthe rinse aidintothedispenseruntil thelevelindicatorturnscompletelyblack.
Thevol umeof the r ins eai d container is about 110ml.
RinseAid Dispenser
Function of RinseAid
Rinse ai d is aut oma tic ally added d uring th elast r inse, ensur ing th orough rinsing, and spo tand s treak f ree dryi ng.
As th erinse aid d iminishe s, t hesiz eo f th e black dot
ontherinse aidlevel indicator changes, asillustratedbelow.
1/4 full- Should refillto eliminate spotting
Em pt y
When to Refill the RinseAid Dispenser
Ifth ereis no r ins e-aid war ning ligh t in thec ont rolpanel ,you can jud geth eam ou nt of r inse-aid by t hecolor
oftheopticallevelindicator located nextto thecap. Whentherinse-aidcontainer isfull,the whole
indicato rwill be dark .As t herinse -aid dimini sh es, th es ize o fthe dark dot de creases. You shou ldneve rlet
Onlyuse branded rinseaidfor dishwasher.Neverfill therinseaid dispenserwithanyothersubstances
(e.g. Dishwasher cleaning ag ent, liqu id dete rge nt ).Th is would dam age t he app lian ce .
To op enthe d ispens er, t ur nthe cap t othe "open"( le ft) arr ow and l iftit out .
Pour therinse aidintothe dispenser, beingcarefulnottooverfill.
Re plac e the cap by insert ing itali g nedw ith "ope n" ar row and t urnin g it t o the c losed (ri gh t) a rrow.
dur ing the n ext was h.
Don't forgettoreplacethe cap before youclosedishwasherdoor.
Clea nup an yri nse aids pl it during fi lling with an abso rbent cl otht oavoid exce ss ive foam ing