Printing Platen and Capping Station Removal and Cleaning
Both of these items simply lift out for removal from the Service Station.
3. Rinse off ink using tap water.
Tip: Make sure the valve, located on the bottom of the Capping Station, is clear of debris and
4. Pat dry with an absorbent lint-free cloth.
5. After cleaning the Capping Station; wipe the capping lip with a lint free cloth, dampened with
distilled water. This will help insure that the contaminants on the cap are removed, before the cap
makes contact with the printhead.
NOTE: If either of these items show signs of wear or damage they should be replaced. If the
Service Station is more than one year old, depending on monthly volume, it may be worthwhile to
replace the entire Service Station instead of replacing components.
1. Allow the Printing Platen and Capping Station to dry.
2. Reinstall Printing Platen and Capping Station into Service Station Tray.
TIP: If you are planning to clean the Service Station Tray; don’t re-install this component until
you have completed the Service Station Tray cleaning process.
Cleaning the Service Station Tray
1. If present; remove the Service Station Printed Circuit Board, Wiper Motor Assembly, Printing
Platen and Capping Station from the Tray; as described on the previous pages.
2. Wipe the Tray with a damp, lint-free cloth to remove the major ink buildup. Be careful not to
damage/peel-off the wicking material; from the surface of the Tray.
3. Then rinse the Tray using tap water.
4. Allow the tray to dry.
NOTE: If the Tray shows signs of wear or damage (wicking material torn or coming loose from
surface of tray) the Tray should be replaced. If the Service Station is more than one year old,
depending on monthly volume, it may be worthwhile to replace the entire Service Station instead
of replacing components.
5. Reinstall the Service Station Printed Circuit Board, Wiper Motor Assembly, Printing Platen and
Capping Station, into the Tray; as described on the previous pages.
Suggestion for High Volume Users:
For printers that are being used at high volumes (over 200,000 pages/labels per month), we recommend
purchasing a second service station to reduce down-time for Service Station Maintenance. The new/clean
service station can be swapped with the dirty one. Then the dirty Service Station can be cleaned according
to the above instructions and made ready for the next time Service Station Maintenance is required.