4. Open the Clamshell.
Release the two latches and open the Clamshell.
WARNING! Please be sure to open the Clamshell
before you eject the service station. If not, the service
station cannot fully eject and damage to the service
station drive system may occur.
5. Open the Toolbox Utility.
In the User Interface window, under the
“SERVICE” heading [C], press the
“Eject Service Station” button.
6. Once the Service Station has ejected; power
OFF the printer. Press the ON/OFF button.
Wait about 45 seconds for the print engine
to fully power-down (all lights out). Then
turn the Main Power Switch OFF.
7. Slide the Service Station out of the Service
Station slot. CAUTION: Do not pull Station all the way
out until you disconnect the Ribbon Cable.
NOTE: It is a good idea to place an absorbent towel
under the Service Station as you remove it to prevent any
drips or leaks.
4. Disconnect the Ribbon Cable. Slide the Latch open on the
Service Station Circuit Board to release the Ribbon Cable.
CAUTION! This latch can be broken if you pull it out too far. Be careful!