IF a Card Slot Light (there are two oF them—one For each card slot) is:
• on - the memorg card is inserted correctLg
• blinking - the memorg card in the card slot is being accessed
Caution: Do not remove the memory card while the indicator light
is blinking. Removing a memory card while it is in use
may damage the card.
Getting Started
• oFF - there is no memorg card inserted, the memorg card is not inserted
correctLg, or the other memorg card slot is in use
Note: You can onLg use one memorg card slot at a time. For more
inFormation about using memorg cards with the HP PhotoSmart
printer, see “Chapter 5 Using the Printer with a Memorg Card” on page
• IF the Attention Light is blinking, read the LCD For instructions.
Using the HP PhotoSmart printer tools
You can use the TooLs button on the printer’s Front paneL to:
• print a test page
• cLean the print cartridges
• seLect the deFauLt paper tgpe and size
• seLect the deFauLt page Lagout
• adjust the photo brightness