The Following is a general description oF the Front panel buttons. The details on
how to use each button are included throughout this guide.
Getting Started
Copies - use this button to select the
number oF copies \ou want to print
Choose Photos - use this button to
choose which photos \ou want to
print or save
Photo Size - use this button to
choose the printed size For all
selected photos
Cancel/No - press this button to
stop printing, cancel a selection, or
answer no to a question on the LCD
OK/Yes - press this button to make a
selection or answer \es to a question
on the LCD
Save - press this button to start
saving the selected photos to the
Print - press this button to start
printing the selected photos
Tools - use this button to change
printer settings
InFrared (IR) port - aim \our digital
camera toward this port when
transFerring photos to the printer
using HP JetSend inFrared
Power - press this button to turn the
printer on and oFF
Press the right and leFt sides oF the Following buttons to view (move through) the
available selections.
Choose Photos Photo Size
Copies Tools