match 132
Neutral Grays 130
print color samples 132
print in grayscale 130
printed vs. monitor 132
sample book matching 132
sRGB 131, 134
using 129
color options 127
Color tab settings 76
color themes 131
color usage job log, printing 165
colored text
print as black 128
configuration page
Information menu 19
Macintosh 72
printing 164
configurations, models 3
trays 106
USB 78
connectivity features 6
control panel
Administration menu 18
buttons 14
clean touchscreen 193
e-mail screen 152
E-mail Setup menu 43
Fax Setup menu 40
help 17
Home screen 16
Information menu 19
Initial Setup menu 33
layout 14
lights 14
locating 8
locking menus 175
Management menu 30
messages, types of 205
Resets menu 55
Send Setup menu 43
Service menu 56
settings 62, 70
Time/Scheduling menu 28
touchscreen buttons 17
controlling print jobs 107
conventions, document 2
copies, number of
Windows 128
cancel 147
from document feeder 141
from glass 140
Job Mode 146
multiple originals 146
photos and books 145
set options 138
settings 139
two-sided documents 142
features 7
quality, troubleshooting 229
speed specifications 5
counterfeit supplies 177
cover pages 73, 125
covers, locating 8
custom paper sizes 89
custom-size paper settings
Macintosh 73
customer support
embedded Web server
links 172
HP Printer Utility pages 72
online 259
Data light
locating 14
date, set 110
date, setting 28
Declaration of Conformity 271,
default gateway, setting 81
default job options menu 21
default settings
Resets menu 55
defects, repeating 231
delay, sleep 111
settings 72
Device Behavior menu 44
device discovery 78
device status
Macintosh Services tab 76
networks 36
digital faxing 162
digital sending
about 150, 153
address books 154, 155
configure e-mail 150
control-panel settings 152
embedded Web server
settings 171
folders 157
job settings 156
LDAP support 150
loading documents 153
recipient lists 154
sending documents 153
Setup menu 43
SMTP support 150
validating gateway
addresses 235
workflow 158
Digital Sending tab, embedded
Web server 171
DIMMs (dual inline memory
installing 185
part numbers 245
AppleTalk 83
network protocols 83
Disk Erase feature 174
osal, end-of-life 269
DLC/LLC settings 36, 83
document conventions 2
document feeder
copying two-sided
documents 142
jams 219
double-sided copying 142
double-sided printing
Macintosh settings 72
paper loading orientation 93
dpi, settings 72
Macintosh settings 73
troubleshooting 240
paper types 90
presets (Macintosh) 73
settings 62, 63, 70, 71
shortcuts (Windows) 125
278 Index ENWW