supported 59
universal 60
Windows, opening 125
copying documents 142
duplex printing
paper loading orientation 93
Windows 126
duplex printing accessory
specifications, physical 261
Macintosh settings 72
duty cycle 5
Easy Printer Care 166
economy settings
sleep and wake 110
EIO accessory
settings 33
EIO cards
installing 190
part number 246
electrical specifications 263
embedded Web server
assigning a password 174
Digital Sending tab 171
features 169
end-of-life disposal 269
Enhanced I/O card
part number 246
jams 223
loading in Tray 1 97
loading orientation 93
environment for the product
problem-solving 232
environment, specifications 263
environmental features 4
Environmental Product
Stewardship Program 267
EPS files, troubleshooting 241
erasing hard disk 174
Error button, control panel
touchscreen 17
error messages
control panel 206
e-mail alerts 72
types of 205
software 238
Ethernet cards 6
European Union, waste
disposal 269
features 169
Explorer, versions supported
embedded Web server 169
about 150, 153
address books 154, 155
auto-complete function 154
configure 150
control-panel settings 152
embedded Web server
settings 171
job settings 156
LDAP support 150
loading documents 153
problem solving 235
recipient lists 154
scan 150
sending documents 153
SMTP support 150
validating gateway
addresses 235
e-mail alerts 72
E-mail Setup menu 43
fax accessory
analog fax 160
configure features 160
connecting phone line 160
digital fax 162
printing schedule 29
solve problems 235
Fax Activity Log
clearing 55
fax reports, printing 19, 165
Fax Setup menu 40
analog 160
faxing, digital 162
FCC regulations 266
features 3, 5
file directory, printing 165
File Upload, Macintosh 72
Finnish laser safety
statement 274
Firmware Update, Macintosh 72
firmware, upgrading 198
first page
use different paper 73
sending to 157
EPS files, troubleshooting 241
included 5
list, printing 20, 165
Upload Macintosh 72
Foreign Interface Harness
(FIH) 10
security 176
formatter lights 226
fraud hotline 177
FTP, sending to 158
clean 196
jams 209
y, setting default 81
configure 150
configuring 151
testing 151
validating addresses 235
General Protection FaultException
OE 239
clean 193
sizes supported 153
glossy paper, supported 115
graphical display, control
panel 14
grayscale printing 130
hard disk
erasing 174
hard disks
encrypted 175
part numbers 245
heartbeat LED 228
Help button, control panel
touchscreen 17
ENWW Index 279