bintec RS353aw
Subject to technical alterations
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bintec elmeg GmbH - Suedwestpark 94 - 90449 Nuremberg - Germany
Phone: +49 - 911 9673-0 - Telefax: +49 - 911 688 07 25
IPSec IKE IPSec key exchange via preshared keys or certificates
IPSec IKE Config Mode IKE Config Mode server enables dynamic assignment of IP addresses from the address pool of the
company. IKE Config Mode client enables the router, to get assigned dynamically an IP address.
IPSec IKE XAUTH (Client/Server) Internet Key Exchange protocol Extended Authenticaion client for login to XAUTH server and
XAUTH server for loging of XAUTH clients
IPSec IKE XAUTH (Client/Server) Inclusive the forwarding to a RADIUS-OTP (One Time Password) server (supported OTP solutions
see www.bintec-elmeg.com).
IPSec NAT-T Support of NAT-Traversal (Nat-T) for the application at VPN lines with NAT
IPSec IPComp IPSec IPComp data compression for higher data throughput via LZS
IPSec certificates (PKI) Support of X.509 multi-level certificates compatible to Micrososft and Open SSL CA server; upload
of PKCS#7/8/10/12 files via TFTP, HTTP, HTTP, LDAP, file upload and manual via FCI
IPSec SCEP Certificates management via SCEP (Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol)
IPSec Certificate Revocation
Lists (CRL)
Support of remote CRLs on a server via LDAP or local CRLs
IPSec Dead Peer Detection
Continuous control of IPSec connection
IPSec dynamic IP via ISDN Transmission of dynamic IP address in ISDN D or B channel; free-of-charge licence necessary
IPSec dynamic DNS Enables the registering of dynamic IP addresses by a dynamic DNS provider for establishing a IPSec
IPSec RADIUS Authentication of IPSec connections at a RADIUS server. Additionally the IPSec peers, which were
configured on a RADIUS server, can be loaded into the gateway (RADIUS dialout).
IPSec Multi User Enables the Dial-in of several IPSec clients via a single IPSec peer configuration entry
IPSec QoS The possibility to operate Quality of Service (traffic shaping) inside of an IPSec tunnel
IPSec NAT By activating of NAT on an IPSec connection it is possible, to implement several remote locations
with identical local IP addess networks in different IP nets for the VPN connection
Number of IPSec tunnels Inclusive 5 active IPSec tunnels (expandable to 30 tunnels)
NAT/PAT Symmetric Network and Port Address Translation (NAT/PAT) with randomly generated ports
inclusive Multi NAT (1:1 translation of whole networks)
Policy based NAT/PAT Network and Port Address Translation via different criteria like IP protocols, source/destination IP
Address, source/destination port
Policy based NAT/PAT For incoming and outgoing connections and for each interface variable configurable
Content Filtering Optional ISS/Cobion Content filter (30 day test license inclusive)
Stateful Inspection Firewall Packet filtering depending on the direction with controling and interpretation of each single
connection status
Packet Filter Filtering of IP packets according to different criteria like IP protocols, source/destination IP address,
source/destination port, TOS/DSCP, layer 2 priority for each interface variable configurable