Painting the Grille:
1. The grille of the IWSub Reference features an even, protective powder
coating. This powder coating is an ideal primer.
2. Grilles must be spray painted. Do not use a brush and paint. Thick, brushed
paint may clog the grille holes and impair performance.
3. After removing the grille by care-
fully hooking it with a bent paper
clip and pulling it gently away
from the frame, spray on two thin
coats of finish color. [Figure 9]
If you’re using a compressor and
spray gun, use the finest, most dif-
fuse setting. Be careful not to fill
the holes in the grille with paint.
When paint is completely dry
carefully reinstall the grille.
Troubleshooting Your IWSub
• If, after following these hookup and installation directions, you
experience difficulty, please double-check all wire connections.
• Check the setting of the “Auto/Remote” slider switch on the rear panel of
the SubAmp 600. If no remote connection is made, this switch MUST be
set to “Auto” in order for the SubAmp 600 to operate properly.
• Many amplifiers and receivers have sophisticated internal protection
circuitry. If for some reason your protection circuitry is tripped, turn
down your system’s volume level and wait five minutes before restarting
the system.
• If you are still having problems, please contact your authorized Definitive
Technology dealer for assistance.
Figure 9