Hookup Method Three
To Subwoofer
From Receiver
To Speakers
4. The SubAmp 600 features an Adjustable Crossover setting on its front
panel. This setting will work with this connection, giving you extra control
over your subwoofer settings.
Making Adjustments to Your SubAmp 600
The rear panel of your SubAmp 600 features a Remote Mini Plug Input and
Auto/Remote Slider Switch.
• Use this feature to connect your SubAmp 600 to the Remote Out of your
receiver. Moving the Slider Switch to “Remote” will enable your SubAmp
600 to then switch on when you power up your other equipment.
• If a remote connection is not used, this slider MUST be switched to “Auto”
in order for the SubAmp 600 to operate properly.
The front panel of your SubAmp 600 features Volume, Crossover and Phase
Adjustment controls.
Volume Adjustment
Use this setting to control the level (volume) of bass response. Begin with
the volume set at about the 11 o’clock position, and, once you have made all
your other settings, modify this setting for optimum volume and low distortion.
Remember: damage can occur to loudspeakers when an amplifier, regardless of
its wattage, is made to play at higher listening levels than its power can clearly
produce. This is usually beyond the “noon or 1 o’clock” position on the volume
control. If you hear distortion, TURN IT DOWN.
Crossover Adjustment
This control adjusts the frequency range over which your subwoofer operates. In
most situations, the middle range (11 – 2 o’clock) of this control will sound best.
Experiment and let your ears be the final judge. Turning the setting higher will