Connect Systems Inc. - Model 9800 Page 12
0.2. Sample Width
Select 1-85 (3-255 ms)
3 ms increments per step
DEFAULT: 85 = 255 ms (milliseconds)
Select the smallest sample width compatible with your radio.
Start with a large value (255 ms) and reduce a little at a time
until the mobile can no longer acquire control by pressing the
Mic button. From there, increase the sample width until reliable
operation is obtained. The sample width in ms is equal to three
times the number you enter.
0.3. Sample Rate
Select 1-9 (.25-2.25 seconds)
.25 sec increments per step
DEFAULT: 3 = .75 sec
Select a sample rate to suit your preference. One sample each .75
second is a good starting point. The sample rate in seconds is
equal to .25 seconds times the number you enter.
0.4. VOX Variable Sampling Factor
Select 1-9 [1.4.]
DEFAULT: 9 = 9:1
The VOX enhancement ratio can be varied from 1 to 9. One is
equivalent to no enhancement. Nine is maximum enhancement. Pick
the enhancement ratio that slows the sample rate the desired
amount while the telephone party is speaking.
0.5. RxVOX or Carrier Control
1 = RxVOX [0.6.]
0 = Carrier [0.7.]
Select RxVOX for operation through remotely located repeaters or
simplex. Select CARRIER for simplex operation only. In CARRIER,
the telephone party cannot key the base transmitter while the
mobile is talking.
0.6. Pulser
0 = Disable
Select 1-99 (.1-9.9 seconds)
.1 sec increments per step
DEFAULT: 0 = Disable
The pulser is normally only used for compatibility with some
trunked systems such as the GE MARC V. Select 0 (disable) if not
required. Otherwise select a pulse interval just shorter
than the repeater hang time. The pulse interval is equal to .1
second times the number entered. A setting of 40 (4 seconds) is
about right for the GE MARK V.