Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 23 of 47
March 2009
Step 5: Acknowledgement page for Cancel Other.
Acknowledgement screen displays Your Reference as read only.
3.10.3 Validations for Singleton Cancel Other Journey
1) Check if all the mandatory fields are entered at each step of the journey
Step 1 - Contact Details - Name, Your Telephone Number and Email Address
are mandatory
Step 2 - Order Details - Directory Number, RequestedDelivery Date, CORC,
Area Post Code to be mandatory
Step 3 - Confirmation - None
Step 4 - Acknowledgement - N/A
2) Check if value of CLI is numeric and it starts with “01” or “02” and length to be
50 digits
3) Check if value of “Your Reference” is a String and the length is less than or
equal to 30.
4) If “AreaPostCode” field is populated, then, check if value of “AreaPostCode”
is a String and the length is equal to or greater than 5 and less than or equal
to 7 (1 space inclusive). It can have numbers (0- 9), alphabets (a-z or A-Z or
spaces) with at least one number and one space/character9 (but should not
start and end with space).
5) Check if “RequestedDeliveryDate” is in the DD-MM-YYYY format and is
greater than today’s date.
6) Check if “Cancel Other Reason Code” is in entered and is in 9xxx format