Wholesale Calls Product Handbook v4.1
British Telecommunications plc Page 12 of 47
March 2009
achieved then the Provide Order will be rejected. Please see the notifications
information in Section 4 of Handbook.
On a WLR line BTW will attempt to match the postcode supplied with the WLR CP
registered address postcode, first with a straightforward comparison and then using
fuzzy logic (which applies logic to determine if the correct postcode has been used
but has been incorrectly entered). If a match cannot be achieved then the Provide
Order will be rejected.
It should be noted that circumstances might arise during the order handling process
where a change to the status of the line may cause the Wholesale Calls order to be
invalidated. If there is an open order for another service (for example CPS ALL) the
WC order will fail.
The flow diagram below details the postcode validation in detail.
Postcode Validation Flow Diagram
3.4 Transferring an existing BTW Customer to a CP (Set- up order including
CP to CP transfer)
All set up orders to provide the WCLI service must be provided on an individual CLI
basis where the associated numbers differ from the main number. This applies to
both set up orders provisioning and CP to CP transfer.
A set up charge will be applied per successful transfer per CLI for non WC-VDS
The set up orders can be provided by the following: