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The Deep Freeze Compartment
• Use the deep freeze compartment of your refrigerator for storing the frozen food for a
long time and for producing ice.
• Place the food you would like to freeze initially in the upper basket of the deep freeze
section in such a way that it shall not exceed the declared freezing capacity of your
refrigerator. You may place your food next to the other frozen foods after they are
frozen (for at least 24 hours).
• It is recommended to keep thermostat set at level 5.
• It is recommended that the food which is being newly frozen be kept separate from
the already frozen food.
• Foods should be frozen in single portion sized containers.
• Do not refreeze the frozen food once it is thawed. It may pose a danger to your health
as it might cause problems like food poisoning.
• Do not place hot meals in your deep freeze until they cool down. You could cause the
other food frozen beforehand in the deep freeze compartment to become spoiled.
• As you buy frozen food, make sure it was frozen under appropriate conditions and
that the packaging is not torn.
• While storing frozen food, the storage conditions on the package should certainly be
observed. If there are no instructions, the food has to be consumed in the shortest
possible period of time.
• Frozen food has to be transported before it thaws and it should be placed in the fast
freezing shelf as soon as possible. Please do not use the door shelves for fast
freezing purposes.
• If the frozen food package has been humidified and it has a foul odor, the food might
have previously been stored under unsuitable conditions and become spoiled.
Please do not buy such food!
• The storage durations of frozen food change depending on the environmental
temperatures, the frequent opening and closing of the doors, thermostat settings,
food types, and the period of time that elapsed from when the food was acquired to
the time it entered the freezer. Always abide by the instructions on the package and
never exceed the storage duration.
• During extended power outages, please do not open the door of the deep freeze
compartment. Your refrigerator will preserve your frozen food in the ambient
environmental temperature of 25°C for about 13 hours. This preservation time period
decreases the higher the ambient environmental temperatures are. During longer
lasting power cuts, you should not refreeze your food.
Some recommendations have been specified on pages 9, 10 and 11 for the placement
and storage of your food in the deep freeze compartment.
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