Collapsble upper basket
(depends on the model)
There are collapsble wres on the
upper basket of the machne that you
can lay down when you need a larger
room for bg dshes.
On your upper basket there are two
types of collapsble wres namely,
fully lad system (A) and gradually lad
system (B). To brng the collapsble
wres nto horzontal poston, push
the wres n the drecton of the arrow
by holdng them from the mddle. You
can place your larger dshes nto the
area created. To brng the wres back
to vertcal poston, just lft them up.
Collapsble wres wll clck nto the
latch agan.
Holding the wires from ends to
put them in lying position may
cause the wires to bend. For this
reason, it will be appropriate to
hold the wires in the middle from
their bottoms and to push in the
direciton of the arrow to lay down
or bring them to vertical position.