Collapsble upper basket
(depends on the model)
To brng the collapsable wres on the
upper basket of the machne nto
horzontal poston, press on the latch
(1). Place your larger dshes nto the
area created (2). To brng the wres
back to vertcal poston, just lft them
Upper basket glass support
(depends on the model)
When placng long stemmed glasses
or wne glasses, do not lean them
aganst other peces but to the edge
of the basket or to the rack (1). Do not
lean long glasses aganst each other.
They can move and get damaged
durng washng.
If you wsh to place large-volume
peces on the upper basket, release
the tab of the glass support pece
from the upper basket wre t s
hooked to. Thus, you can obtan a
wder space.